The Process
You’ve made the decision to build a custom home with GBI and now it is time to sign the purchase agreement. You will be provided a detailed specification outline that includes your home-site and design plans along with all of your decisions up-to-date. Both you and GBI Homes will sign these important documents. The process of building your home has now begun.
Sign the purchase agreement.
Solidify your financing.
GBI will allow you 14 business days to complete a mortgage application and provide a pre-approval letter. The process cannot move forward without this letter.
A series of meetings.
GBI wants to ensure that your custom home is exactly what you have been dreaming of. To make this happen, a series of meetings will take place to guide you through the process of selecting exterior and interior finishes along with other features of your home.
Let the building begin!
It is time to start the construction of your new home. Your GBI representative will be in contact often to update you on the status of your build. You are also invited to stop by and see the progress for yourself with your realtor or a GBI Homes, Inc. representative.
Final inspection.
At this point, your house is complete and GBI will do a final walk through with you. You will learn how certain features on your home function or ask questions before the keys are given to you.
Moving day.
Congratulations on your new GBI Homes custom home!
Building a home is an exciting process but it can also be overwhelming at times due to the many decisions that need to be made. GBI wants their customers to know exactly what to expect. See below for a snapshot of the home building process with GBI.